THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA Announces New Album 'Give Us The Moon'

October 14, 2024

Swedish classic/progressive rock supergroup THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA — featuring members of SOILWORK and ARCH ENEMY — will release its seventh studio album and "most cinematic offering to date", "Give Us The Moon", on January 31, 2025 via Napalm Records.

Founded in 2007, THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA has been nominated three times for the Swedish Grammis (Swedish Grammy equivalent) and has garnered millions of streams with its previous releases.

Having won over international live audiences with their incredibly entertaining performances on multiple tours and at enormous festivals such as Wacken Open Air, THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA is taking off on a full European tour at the end of January.

THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA comments: "How excited can you possibly get from announcing a new album? Well, let us tell you: We are shaking with excitement, hanging from chandeliers, doing butterfly strokes in sparkling wine, making snow angels in icing sugar and climbing Mont Blanc in stilettos. THAT'S how excited we are. Now give us the moon, will ya?"

"Moon Over Europe 2025" tour dates:

Jan. 30 - NL - Tilburg / 13
Jan. 31 - FR - Lyon / O Totem Live
Feb. 01 - UK - London / Garage
Feb. 02 - FR - Paris / Petit Bain
Feb. 04 - ES - Bilbao / Sana27
Feb. 05 - PT - Lisbon / Lisboa Au Vivo
Feb. 07 - ES - Madrid / Mon
Feb. 08 - ES - Barcelona / Wolf
Feb. 11 - IT - Milan / Legend Club
Feb. 13 - HU - Budapest / Durer Kert
Feb. 14 - AT - Vienna / Szene
Feb. 15 - DE - Munich / Backstage
Feb. 16 - CZ - Prague / Futurum
Feb. 18 - CH - Aarau / KIFF
Feb. 19 - DE - Aschaffenburg / Colos Saal
Feb. 20 - DE - Nuremberg / Hirsch
Feb. 21 - DE - Karlsruhe / Substage
Feb. 22 - DE - Berlin / Frannz Club
Feb. 24 - DE - Hamburg / Bahnhof Pauli

THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA has steadily upped its game when it comes to paying tribute to a decade that influences all sorts of people and even industries to this day — the 1980s. With hits like "Domino", "Lovers In The Rain", "West Ruth Ave", "Divinyls" and "This Time", the band manages to maintain a variety of vibes and emotions within every album. From hard rockers, poppy digressions to progressive epics, disco-esque songs and almost cheesy yet loveable ballads.

In a 2023 interview with The Rockpit, THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA frontman Björn Strid stated about how the band came together: "I wouldn't say that I was growing up on FOREIGNER or BOSTON. I mean, I heard the singles, but BOSTON was not very big in Europe. So that's something that I discovered later. But I definitely grew up on '80s radio. I was born in '78, which is kind of my favorite musical era, which is kind of strange as I wasn't there to experience it, or was too small, I should say. But we discovered so many things, me and David [Andersson, then-SOILWORK guitarist] as well. He was a session player for SOILWORK in 2007 on our North American tour and we instantly hit it off and ended up listening to music in the back lounge, and there were song battles all night long. We discovered so many things, but not just the music, everything around it — the aesthetics of the '70s and '80s, even production — everything. And we felt like there was a void out there that needed to be filled. Because retro-sounding rock bands was not really a new thing, but most of them had that [BLACK] SABBATH, LED ZEPPELIN, early '70s bell-bottom Orange amps feel. Not that there's anything wrong with [that] — we enjoyed that — but we felt that there was this huge hole that needed to be filled with music and a way of producing and a way of writing songs that people hadn't heard for a long time. And that's what we built the bad on – to promote something that we felt was missing, and then also building a concept around it to make it a whole experience."


Björn Strid - Vocals
Sharlee D'Angelo - Bass
Jonas Källsbäck - Drums
Sebastian Forslund - Guitar, Percussions
John Lönnmyr - Keys
Rasmus Ehrnborn - Guitar
Anna Brygard - Backing Vocals
Åsa Lundman - Backing Vocals

Photo credit: Linda Florin / Graphic: Carlos Holmberg

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